Scripture teaches us - fools feed on trash - Proverbs 15:14.
Hello Slave, I love the wisdom found in Proverbs. Thanks for bringing our attention to this one today

I also thought that I'd add some interesting thoughts about this verse from one of my commentaries.
The mind/heart of the intelligent seeks knowledge, But the mouth of fools feeds on folly .. Proverbs 15:14.
This antithetical proverb contrasts the preoccupation of the wise and foolish. The word ‘mind’ is the same word translated ‘heart’ in verses 13, 15. As verse 7 contrasted the ‘heart’ and the ‘lips,’ so here it is the heart and the ‘mouth’ that stand in opposition.
The contrast is most noticeable in the verbs. The first verb ‘seeks’ points to a quest characterized by passionate intention. The second verb ‘feeds’ describes the arbitrary munching of domesticated animals.
The wise are said to already possess the ‘mind of the intelligent.’ The word ‘intelligent’ has the idea discernment, the ability to look at two things and see what God sees. The wise are said to already possess such insight, but they, nevertheless, yearn, seek after and pursue more of that which they already possess (Prov. 14:33; 18:15; 19:25; 21:11). The fool, however, contentedly reclines in his folly and ruminates upon the silliness and naïveté he has fed his heart and mind upon already.
To have tasted of God’s wisdom is to desire it all the more. To have numbed one’s mind on folly is to ruin its taste for anything higher and better (Prov. 15:2, 21). Beware what you satisfy your heart on! ~Kitchen, J. A. (2006). Proverbs: A Mentor Commentary
Well, make that interesting quotes about v14 from two of my commentaries (as I believe that this is worth considering as well).
The wise heart is distinguished from the foolish one by its appetites and speech. A discerning (or “insightful”; see pp. 35–36) heart is revealed when it seeks to satisfy itself with knowledge, not by blurting out folly. But the mouth of fools feeds on (rā‘â) folly.
The meaning of rā‘â is debated. To be sure, the mouth is the organ for eating physical food (cf. 30:20), but how does it eat folly, a spiritual-ethical reality? Probably, “mouth,” as elsewhere in Proverbs, is a metonymy for speech. In other words, the fool’s mouth gratifies its appetite by spouting out folly, unlike the discerning heart’s passion for the sages’ knowledge. ~Waltke, B. K., & De Silva, I. D. V. (2021). Proverbs: A Shorter Commentary (p. 245).
Proverbs 13
20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.