But this guy said its a sin...
His stance on the world versus Biblical attitudes colours his interpretation, but for me the give away is in the fact that he lays a qualifier on it. If he's laying qualifiers on something so that he can colour something as a sin SOMETIMES, but maybe not a sin the other times...I just don't see God working that way in the Bible very often. In the Word, sin is sin. Very few commandments are given qualifiers (divorce and manslaughter being the only two that come to mind quickly), and the list of qualifiers is crazy short.
COMMANDMENT: Men are not to lay with men as one lays with a woman.
Qualifier: NONE
COMMANDMENT: You shall not commit sexual immorality (fornication and adultery).
Qualifier: NONE
COMMANDMENT: A man is not to divorce his wife.
Qualifier: Except in the case of adultery, and a wife may leave if there is spousal abuse.
COMMANDMENT: Be fruitful and multiply.
Qualifier: Except if you're not healthy enough to give birth.
Qualifier: Except if you are unable to conceive.
Qualifier: Except if you want to wait for a while, because school.
Qualifier: Except if you want to wait because her parents said so.
Qualifier: Except if you want to wait until you inherit the farm.
One of these things does NOT look like the others.
So either it's NOT a commandment, and someone is looking for a way to MAKE it one, or God is very very inconsistent with how He deals with us. I know that my Bible says my God is a God of order, not chaos and confusion.
And lastly...if you've done your work as a Christian, if you've immersed yourself in the Word, and prayed in the Spirit and listened to what He's said to you...you should never have to ask "Is such-and-such a sin?" You should never have to go looking on YouTube or on websites to know whether or something is a sin or not, because if you are truly a follower of Christ, then you have read His Word, and you are indwelled by His Spirit, and THEY will tell you whether or not something is a sin. A man on a website is NOT your spiritual judge - CHRIST IS. And if you don't know how God is judging your actions and thoughts, then you have work to do, my brother. If you're really seeking after Him and putting Him at the forefront in every aspect of your life, then
1) you wouldn't have these questions/any questions you had would be answered
2) any attitudes you have that do not align with God's plan for you would slowly change
meaning that WHO CARES what YOU think about having children?! If you are seeking after Christ every possible moment of your life, then your life will unfold according to His plans for you...and if His plans for you include children, then your attitude about it IS going to change, because following Christ isn't about picking and choosing what we want when it comes to what HE has planned for us. For some of us, many of us, He has children planned. For some of us, He doesn't. WE don't get to choose. We only get ONE choice: are we going to follow Christ or not? Once we choose Him, then it's whatever He has in store for us, whether we like it or not...because whatever He gives us, whether we like it or not, is for His glory, and His glory alone.