GG noticed all you late nighters who must be passed out now, so she sneaks in to steal the winning post back.........
AND gets extra points (cuz I found all this cool stuff all rolled into one)
okay, bear with me here, ya'll left WAY to many post here yesterday and NOW I HAVE TO catch up on them (you know, just in case BBG is dissin' me again ) and while I would LOVE to make a hundred comeback post, I'll just try and cram as many replies into one big long post as possible (or 2 or 3.... whatever it takes to get all the comeback remarks for 6 1/2 pages typed in........)
<<<<< GG gets the A+ for being the winner and here's the victory dance
no he won't... he'll be so nosy that as soon as you tell him where it is he'll be in clicking his way into it just to snoop and will TRY to keep himself from posting or giving emoji reactions so it looks like he isn't there. BUT I KNOW BIG BRO BBG!!! Sooner or later HE WILL slip it up by either commenting/reacting in it OR bringing something from it up in a DIFFERENT thread.......
of course, WE
COULD always start it in the ladies room where BBG
CAN'T get us.
SEE? THAT'S exactly why I HAVE TO go back through PAGES of post when I get here cuz I don't wanna miss anything (and I KNOW BBG will make his remarks about/to me sooner or laternso I HAVE TO read them ALL )
except come in here and bother BBG

TRY to take my win........
<<<< finished the review of everything.......
wipes brow "oh good, he didn't diss me this time.........AND
I WIN!!!!!