Very revealing this link seems lol with IFH determined with a touch of sore loser " we ain jist letting you win, we don't roll that way"
TRCA bit of a taddle tale an runs way the crowd or is it jigs way the crowd? Lol" dont let him win" hehe
Poinsetta a touch of the female Peter Pan never grew up with of all things the grrr Teletubbies sis oh deary me lol
Gg83 a nice sister bold enough to admit shes 83 but seems easily led hehe an ZTolerance tries tip toeing an cat burgling the win at the end sneaky bro lol nice too meet ya'll i think lol seems like its a group attack now on the newbie fur the win an i thought the chat side of this site was bad hahahaha
oh an i think technically challenged is when ye canny even put up an emoji cept using 2 dots an a smile never mind the moving pictures you lot use which i huv no clue where to even begin so i suppose ill be the dougball of the post 
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