Praying for you sister, God is a LOVING and our Father who HEALS us in when we ask in prayer and faith
Keeping you in my prayers sister. Much love <3
Keeping you in my prayers sister. Much love <3
@Deade @Mel85
GOD has & is Graciously, sent in the Heavenly Angel Warriors, plus preformed HIS WORD in my life, to "Push The enemy back!! Amen & Amen!
"When the enemy, comes in like a flood, GOD will rise up a standard & push the enemy back!" Amen & Amen!
"JESUS said, By MY stripes You (Donna) are healed!"
I will not go into too many details atm, just that I am being protected & healing at a very quick pace! All PRAISE to GOD!!
Thank you for your Faithfuless Deade, & Mel85, out of all that are in this gr8 big Christian Web Site, & whom may have viewed my URGENT cry for Spiritual Support, & prayer for healing, you 2 are seen by GOD, & by myself, as true, & loving, GOD fearing Friends!
(((((((((Deade & Mel85))))))))) what you give out with the right heart, will come back to you, I pray & believe 100%
Bella (Donna)
May GOD bless you both, just as you have been a Blessing to me, your sister in Christ JESUS, & friend!