Awwww, rainacorn, you could've given some clues. Oh, well, that's that. And that's a nice nic, my one guess for your nic was mannafromHeaven (raining acorns. Get it ?
----Well, nanabean, that is some mysterious nic you got, at least fools me, I like the clues ! Two for one -banana,? A little backwards? Hmm, nope my green bean brain just can't get a guess even. (C'mon, peeps. Guess! It's a 7-way TIE right now for first place. LOL )
---violakat -- could your first name be something other than katherine? But with those letters?
Shellybell7 - please give us another clue. Could've the '7' mean
----Nods, you want to give S_K_T a $1 point ?
Knights -- good nic, but, you should have given us a clue.
Ok, as it stands after DAY 3....
Violakat -- $1 point
See_KING_Truth- $1 point
Zeroturbulence - $1 point
Megatron -- $1 point
Shellybell7 - $1 point
Julianna - $1 point
Im saying too, I got a buck for guessing allforfun nic. It was a vague guess, but she be nice and gave it to me, prob cuz I'm green and nice
Well, so far, the race is closer than pigs in a blanket . Let's hope that y'all can RECRUIT folks to play, especially folks with toughie nicknames . Get'em on here, go, go, go.
Ok, I have TWO distinct reasons more for my personal nic greennnice, after zere guessed I love things green of God's beauty (nature). And, so a couple more clues for my nic....
What do you see when you are looking at the man in the mirror?
What's can 'green'mean besides the literal definition ?
** Remember, please, games goes until LAST Sunday this month....and thetefore will be only ONE winner, he/she who guesses the most nicknames. The person giving the clues, who has the nickname, DECIDES when there nic has been guessed and let's me know and that person gets $1 point. A person's nic can have multiple meanings(i.e.: my nic has THREE meanings) and, thetefore $1 point can be awarded for each proper guess. I will MATCH winner's amount I give them into their Paypal account with a gift the same amount to c.c.
Ok, night all, dream big, dream Jesus