im asking what is the point or purpose, do you ever get bored ?
bored of this thread/game?
Personally, I like stuff like this. I find thread/games like this interesting and fun.
And sometimes it makes me really think of a broader vocabulary. Like when a word association ends up back to a word that was recently used....... okay are we going to go through the same list of words that were used previously, or can we come up with something different and try to avoid getting back to this word/list ("cake/icing/frosting" comes to mind b/c I've seen that combo played at least 3 times in, I think< less than 2 weeks)
Sometimes it's fun to see what word choice someone has put out there, like if they are trying to set it up to take a certain way, or trying to set up words to get others to go a certain way. It's fun to see if they follow and go that way, or if they come up with something completely different and take it a different way than what one was trying to set up for (does that make sense

And then there are some thread/games that others take interest in, and I look at them and think "naaaa"
To each their own, I guess.