I'm guessing Greens name as Edward.
KayM, is your name Kaya, Katia, or Katharina? What abour Katie?
If I'm not mistaken, Seouls name is Kim. I think I saw someone else call her by name in another thread ages ago.
Two hours to go, and, CCG has definitely nailed it, my name, and, this game.
PM me with your Paypal email address please and I will add $22 to it.
Still two hours to go, but more people interested in other things. Oh well, I'm sure you don't hear one christian college girl I know complaining.
** I hope you folk on here consider this c.c. ministry with some ownership, to give something-even if it's just a buck if you REALLY can't afford more--I soooo promise you God will bless you so much for helping ministries, like c.c., doing God work, reaching sooo many with known (and, unknown even) words we all say ever so often. Yes, , c.c. , you, I, all us helping applause from Heaven when one non-believer gets 'it.'
And, just what is 'it'? God! Gets God , from your words, JUST your words type on here, sooo much can happened in sucursal a permanent, eternity way.
Thank you all for playing along, God bless you. Always called on His name in your time of trouble, He is there, ever-present in our storms.
Ever-present! Psalms 46:1