Hey there!
I'm really happy for this topic! And even more that I'm here on this forum...
I was wondering if situation like this is just in my country... But I see it's everywhere.
I see how many young people, longing for relationship is single. But nobody does anything for make situation better.
It's pity that if you're not "in norm" as majority then you don't belong anywhere... In our country is just one activity for people with this status - one week common holidays! But I think it's not enough, we like others need much more prayers as well. And we need much more homilies and bible research ... I heard once that single people are even more closer to God than others!
I think it's true... That's why it's sad that for us doesn't exist anything!
But I think in 21th century Church also becoming a bit updated... and one day when need will be enough strong, things will change, I'm sure! But now it's good to talk about it... if not for us, for our successors
God bless u all!