My Favorite sport is VOLLEYBALL, than pool, ping-pong,bowling and a little bit soccer- ( it depense with whom i play that game ) but im not really perfect in playin those (games/sports) and i love to ice skating
I like watching football ( but never played it this sport is kinda new for me i think its more an american sport...) baseball and basketball...
When i was a bad girl ( i think it sounds funny " bad girl'')
LOL i liked to watch wrestling and boxing
Sports that confuse me a little ( just a little
) : i watched one day curling and i don't know what they trying there to do, whats the goal? it actually put me in to sleep
.. Golf i think that is really boring
what i would like to try is: Sailing, Surfing , Water rafting and sky diving
LOL i guess to much information hahaha
I like watching football ( but never played it this sport is kinda new for me i think its more an american sport...) baseball and basketball...
When i was a bad girl ( i think it sounds funny " bad girl'')
Sports that confuse me a little ( just a little
what i would like to try is: Sailing, Surfing , Water rafting and sky diving
LOL i guess to much information hahaha