I saw my first Star Wars movie when I was four and I remember all I wanted was to be adopted by the ewoks.
I mean I had dreams about it and imagined it all the time lol - who would not want to live in a jungle with furry bears?
And I still absolutely love everything about Star Wars - And honestly I loved the "Rise of Skywalker".
1) The theme was friendship and trust and working together. (It was displayed in every aspect of the movie and I cried at least 20 times) 2) I got what I always wanted: A kiss between the Queen and her King - without compromising on Reys integrity as a jedi
3) Redemption... Adoption - and to me it was a spiritual adoption. She was chosen to be a skywalker and she also chose to be a skywalker.
I LOVED ALL OF IT!!!!!! And the best thing was the wonderful hug between 3 best friends at the very end - that is the best hug in movie history I wish I got a hug like that every now and then