girls talk silly.
Do tell, Ken! *waits for story*
And, yeah, jillie, kentommy was showing you a bit of sarcasm there, I think. Hard to tell with that guy, he's quick as a wit and, if you've ever seen/read Seuss' 'Horton Hears A Who,' weeel, then, you know the size of a wit, anyway, and, one can guess, a guy that small of a feller is bound to zip about pretty quick
Originally posted by arwenbaggins:Ken, I wasn't sure if I should mention that to Catlynn or not! We'd already broken Arwen's rules by derailing for almost a whole page! They're right; EVERYTHING IS SIN!!!!!
Arwenbaggins, every party has a pooper. Par-ty poooper. Par-ty pooper. And, that's why we have you.
My friend, milady ,whom I've known for pretty much all my life, since I was 5 when I was at my babysitter's house and the doorbell rang and I went to the door with my babysitter, a 16 year old boy, who said, 'This is the boy next door.'
I said,' Hi, my name's Edward, E-d-w-a-r-d.' And my friend, a year older than me, this yellow blonde kid, said, 'Hi, my name is Gary, g-a-r-y.'
And, we've been friends ever since, I spend a fair majority of my life, at least, I did 20s and 30s, with he and his wife and two boys, who are now 14 and 16. My, my, time flies when you are derailing threads.
Now, what was I saying before i so rudely interrupted myself

Oh, I was saying that my friend would always say that to his wife's sister because she would want to do something at a party different than everyone else. 'Course, he was just kidding and it was just a fun thing he said that everyone laughed at, and, 'course, I was kidding you too