Lord, help littleChristone study hard tonight, consummate inside her mind, that is your mind given her, 'we have the mind of Christ,' of You, Lord (1 Cor. 2), consummate in her mind all the little bits and pieces of knowledge that the ACT is , let her know more than she's ever known before, that she can score high on the verbal and math sections and whatever else . Help her to be refreshed after a good night's sleep and READY in the a.m. for a quick brush-through of a few more things reviewed before the test time that she is confident in your leading her through the test, amen .
my best advice, review tonight until it's time for bed, get 8 hours of sleep, take NyQuil if you can't fall to sleep, that works for me, anyway, when I have colds. Sleep is VERY important going into the test tomorrow and so is giving yourself one last run through of key grammer concepts and vocabulary learning and mathematical struggles.
Not sure when your test is tomorrow but try and refresh yourself very quickly through everything . And, then go take the test. You will do just fine no matter what. The Lord leads. "..you follow Me."