I think I am beginning to feel a bit more comfortable in my skin, or at least accepting parts of me, in a way, celebrating them. I use to feel guilty for being an introvert, that there was something wrong with me. That I'm a snob, anti-social, emo, depressed, etc. and need to change and stretch myself to suddenly enjoy things that extroverts enjoy doing. It never seemed to work, I would end up exhausted. Maybe it's my age or my lack of energy after work, but I am leaving more time for myself to recharge, do the things that I enjoy instead of giving into pressure. There has been a weight lifted.
"Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you."
"Come to Me (Jesus), all ye who are heavy laden and burdened, and, I will give you rest."
I'm feeling a little sad that I'm moving again because of all the friends I made here....but I'm sure the Lord has a purpose and I will eventually learn to adapt to the change, as I've done before. Here I go.....
Started thinking of one of those songs I recorded back in 1987 when I stayed in my room all summer after my freshman year of college and'd found out my cat died immediately after I got home.
It's Whitesnake, but it's always different with way I sing these songs of top 40 pop culture.
"Here I go again, on my own" becomes "Here I go again with my Lord." And, you can pretty much think of any song out there that speaks of human love or me, me, me, I, I, I doing things and I ALWAYS put Him in the place, even with some Christian songs that can, potentially, give Christ second fiddle to human love, like, "You're all I need." I don't care what anyone says and IF I was with a girlfriend I would NEVER think she was ALL I needed. ONLY Christ is ALL I need

SHE would simply be a part of His needs for me to serve Him perfect, to give Him all the glory.
Thank God for that ! And, that, and, that, and, everything 'that.'

In EVERYTHING, give thanks to God. So, IF you are giving thanks to someone else, and, sure, courtesty 'please' and 'thank-you' comments are ways we show Love to others. But, yeah, THAT is what's on my mind right now, well, that, and, playing interntet backgammon

The Lord leads
God bless your Sundays , and, littleChristone, glad you got through the test, don't be so hard on yourself, the Lord, indeed, leads, I'm certain, you did your very best studying beforehand that you knew how to do and, in His mind, that is just PERFECT
I pray your Sunday is great, littleChristone, and, for ALL of you, I pray the same, c.c. dudegents, and, miladies.
Philippians 1:
I thank my God every time I remember you.
4In all my prayers
for all of you, I always pray with joy
5because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now,
6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."