Could someone anywhere tell me in all the threads about the law in Bible discussion what law are they talking about
The Ten Comandments ? Or all the OT laws from the part of The Bible which the Jewish faith calls the Torah?
Matthew 5:
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
The entire book of Matthew is a fantastic study on Jesus' teachings about the law and what the follower of Christ is to do with it. In the latter chapters of Matthew Jesus confronts the Pharisees/Sadducees about loading down the people with the law, but not following it themselves or understanding the spirit of it. They did not understand because they did not have the Spirit of God within them to illuminate it, so they were legalists. Dead inside. They were concerned with the outer man rather than cleansing the inner man.
As Midnite said above, Jesus taught us (also in Matthew) that if you are clean from the inside first, the outside will following, meaning that once we are in right relationship with Christ the Holy Spirit will chip away at the things that don't belong in our lives, as long as WE are willing to submit.
If you are interested in reading them, please, please, please read the New Testament first, so that you will fully understand that we are now under grace through the saving power of Jesus Christ. You will learn other things too.
EXAMPLE: I made the mistake of reading the Bible from cover to cover rather than the New Testament first and thought for a couple of days that I was not allowed to eat meat when I was about your age.
Legalism is very dangerous. Many folks in the Bible Forum are consumed by it. Please be very careful in there. That's a slippery slope. We are here to help you if have more questions. I am sorry I had just gone to bed when you asked your question.