I didn't die on the roads today & made it home in one piece,so God has chosen to keep me a round a bit longer it seems.
(much to the dismay of many I know I'm sure)
I also survived the Downton Abbey Apocalypse! He tricked me (my co-worker),that is...tricked me...lulled me into a false sense of security. I got in the car,we spoke about the weather & how if we get halfway there & the roads get worse,we're turning around & coming home...we spoke (or I should say,I listened) to a strange little yarn about him losing the gas cap to his neighbor's snow blower & the epic quest he'd have @ Home Depot trying to find a replacement.
All the while I'm thinking :"Wow..ty Jesus,he's old...maybe he forgot about the show...maybe it sucked...maybe he's just..."
And then it happened! Exactly 14 minutes into the drive he exclaims "OHHHH...let me tell you about last night!"
I was like totally *facepalm*
So,yeah...imma say the next 30 to 35 minutes was the scene by scene breakdown of last night's 2 hour love fest between him & the Abbey. He even told me about some sow he caught a bit of about the "back story" of the Castle? something about the Rothchild's so & so married so & so,and yadda yadda...rich people..wealth..blah blah blah.
Umm...so in the midst of all this...I was trying to find my happy place while still feigning interest.
I am a horrible person. I wish I cared more about his show...but like,my life is all upside down right now & it's hard to focus on thing's that aren't that important to me. Guess I am sort of selfish like that.
It was a madhouse @ work again...the que never let up once...87 people later....now I'm home.
Fresh coffee...CC..and now...my crazy mind is free to think on the things I wanted to so badly all day long but couldn't without distraction.
So,yeah...true story.