Taaaa-Daaaaaaaaa! I made it through the night! Yay God!? lol I'd say "YaY me" but I don't think I really had any hand in the fact that I didn't die in my sleep. 
I will admit,if I had to expire that would really be only one of two ways I might find acceptable to do so. The other,is well...yanno.......soooooo anyways,now I have something to post in the awkward moments thread.
16 degrees out this morning. The owner of the building finally found it in his heart to have someone come & put salt & dirt down in the parking lot. For like the past 2 weeks it's been a skating rink & a daily adventure for those of us to try and reach out mailboxes. The general consensus among the tenants has been pretty much "There's no way in H. E. double hockey sticks I am breaking a femur!"... just to get to my mailbox which may or may not consist of bills,or weekly circulars. Yup. Just not gonna happen.
Oh yeah,so here I am. Coffee...looking for jobs online...failing at finding a solution to possible eviction...wishing that it wasn't ungodly (for so very many reasons) to rob a bank. Dealing with loving the book of JOB,but also getting tired of feeling I am living it,but minus the awesome ending.
I dunno...again,prob the arctic air mass that has frozen my brain talking...then again...maybe not.
@ pers...I'm no love advice Dr. but I think you should totally tell this dude that you wanna like spend some time with him & junk. What's the worst that could happen?
Just come up with something better to say than: "Hi hot guy!"... "I can haz blanket.".."U down with some tea & hugz?"
I will admit,if I had to expire that would really be only one of two ways I might find acceptable to do so. The other,is well...yanno.......soooooo anyways,now I have something to post in the awkward moments thread.
16 degrees out this morning. The owner of the building finally found it in his heart to have someone come & put salt & dirt down in the parking lot. For like the past 2 weeks it's been a skating rink & a daily adventure for those of us to try and reach out mailboxes. The general consensus among the tenants has been pretty much "There's no way in H. E. double hockey sticks I am breaking a femur!"... just to get to my mailbox which may or may not consist of bills,or weekly circulars. Yup. Just not gonna happen.
Oh yeah,so here I am. Coffee...looking for jobs online...failing at finding a solution to possible eviction...wishing that it wasn't ungodly (for so very many reasons) to rob a bank. Dealing with loving the book of JOB,but also getting tired of feeling I am living it,but minus the awesome ending.
I dunno...again,prob the arctic air mass that has frozen my brain talking...then again...maybe not.
@ pers...I'm no love advice Dr. but I think you should totally tell this dude that you wanna like spend some time with him & junk. What's the worst that could happen?
Just come up with something better to say than: "Hi hot guy!"... "I can haz blanket.".."U down with some tea & hugz?"