I still can't figure out why people figured something was up even before we blabbed XD
I can't help but remember this scene from
Beauty and the Beast
But in our case, it'd be
Former Male Model and the Currently Crazy Chick
Descyple will be Belle (he will not agree not to be the pretty one in this scene XD)
I will be the Beast ('coz i'm the scarier and freakier of us two

and proud of it!!!)
Mrs. Potts will be Fenner ('coz she's sweet and motherly

Lumiere could be iTORE ('coz he's pretty much a romantic kind of guy?

I don't know who wants to be Cogsworth (do you want in on this GreenNice??? 
And Chip will have to be Pers (because she's clueless

You can air protests with the role assignments after a month, maybe? XD hey, i agreed to be the hairy one, and i'm not complaining!!!
Sure, 'Cogsworth,' azureHisfire. whatever you say
I've always thought of myself as more of a 'Lumiere,' but, be my guest, you can have me be the guy that gets burned by Lumiere. I will admit this, when I went on a mission trip with my church to far-off Charlotte, NC, in '96, I was definitely behind the scenes. So, that's good perception, in that sense, milady, as Cogsworth is, simply, bumbling looking. But, don't you kid yourself, Lumiere, relies on him, too, to be the butt of his 'firey' personality
As far as itoreHis and ugly go, ugly's presented a humble presentation, in all shape, way, form, brother Jim, and, you've apologized..............Now, that's something. And, it's not just something but it's something-something, it's something there, now, that wasn't there before, between you two, bro.
OK, that said. an admission! I've subtley, even not so subtley

, let descype know in the past on c.c. (until he had to have the best costume going to the 'New Year's Eve' party to bring in 2013

) that he's more attractive in every sense of the word than he's realizing, and he's scoffed at me, etc., as I remember; descype, if I'm wrong, too, bro, in what I say, be my guest, set me right .
But, yeah, that all said, itoreHis and ugly, beeeeeeee careful, beeeeeee wary, cuz the kind of way you've handled this ugly situation, pun intended, is attractive. and, it's not only attractive to girls, it's attractive to.............God.
He sees things in US from our FORGIVENESS toward each other that make Him MOVE in marvelous, spectacular ways, that change us, that He changes in us, from what we've been through, from who we've been 'before,'
Definitely, some could think, too, that descype has tooo much ego, over-bearing, over the top, overLOAD. But, no, it's perfect because it's God's given personality to him. I think, many (many, many) girls, as a whole, have thought he's funny, but, said, too, 'oh, brother,' to his constant self-praise, egotistical nature. But, it's under His reigns, descype knows this and, really, it's natural, it's who he's always been on c.c.. And, it's funny, too, fully flavored, and, looks like azureHis has recognized this 'slice' of His life for him.
There's no doubt in my mind either, and, remember, I have green brains, so, they quite often confuse my 'doubt'

But, yeah, I have no doubt that descype, despite his 'nature,' is going to be soundly great for AzureHisfire, an absolute lady of the Lord's that I see from her many 'wisdomic' posts.
pickynicky, "clueless," azureHisfire? Nah, and, I know, you're just kidding around, but, just to add, shes' introspective and open and caring and sweet and guys really liike that quality in a girl, and, sometimes, a girl, then, mistakenly goes for the bad guy and he makes her begin to question what she knows, in her heart, that's right for her from God speaking to her.