This inspired me to take time out for a little medical moment with my CC friends. You might not know this, but a few years ago I was in an accident and got all fouled up. I'm ok but had to have a few operations and one of my eyes had problems and other stuff so let's talk about eyes for a moment...
If you'll take a look at this medical graphic....
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you'll see an ordinary every day eye. You'll see the normal eye with a lens that "sees"an image (the happy fella) and as light passes through the lens it projects an upside down image of the happy fella on the retina. This information is then carried to the brain and your brain interprets the image as a perfectly situated right side up happy fella.
Now, iff you'll shift your attention to this medical graphic you will see my fouled up eye....
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One of my issues is that I lost the lens and had to have all that mucous eye gunkious replaced with synthetic mucous eye gunkious called vitriotic fluid. Without getting into too much graphic and medical explanation, that same little happy fella image that the eye "sees" now passes straight through the eye as shown and projects a right side up image on the retina. This information is then carried to the brain which thinks it is perfectly situating the image and turns it upside down.
That's right people.......I now see upside down.