I'm getting an outdoor kitty!! ^_^
We've had a kitty come and visit on my front porch of our house for a while now. Since this past fall. It's a very friendly kitty, pretty sure it's a boy, but I can't say that for certain. The shop beside my house always has it around, but we weren't sure if it belonged to them or not. Since we're moving, I've thought about the cat a lot. I've really started to like it, because it went straight up to me and always has this delighted look on its face when I see it. It always makes my day when I can go and pet it.
So my sister and I were thinking, well, maybe it can be an outdoor cat at the new house. We asked Dad, and he told us to go ask the owners of the shop first. So we went over, and asked the lady there how she felt about that. She was almost delighted to hear we were going to take it. She's going to give us all of its stuff when we move.

We might keep it in our basement for a few days so it can get used to the idea that this is its new home. We'll have to clean the basement often because of potential allergies, but the dogs never go into the basement at the house we're living in now. I doubt that will change when we go to the new house.
Hopefully I can get it fixed, a collar, and maybe get it chipped, too, just in case it does try and make its way back to the old house and gets lost. Do they chip cats? I dunno, I've never had one before.