Are fights, arguments normal in relationships here? Will they come and go through out ones life? Is this a reality? So can we afterwards put them down and move on without fear and without trying to win the fight or argument? And end with okay, you think this way and I think this way and still love one another, in not either one controlling the other?
Think a minute on that, Can you control anyone, you can try to manipulate control over certain actions and reactions to get what you want? But never in reality control another can you?
Well neither can he?
If you both get this and live this, I bet you make it all the way through.
And when you both do get married, a suggestion I have for you both, do not promise one another why?
Matthew 5:37 Say just a simple ‘Yes, I will’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Your word is enough. To strengthen your
promise with a vow shows that something is wrong.
We made no promise to each other and stood the test of in and through all adversities that came to try to separate us, And we did and still could have trouble as that is what true marriages have troubles.
been now together for over 30 years through thick and thin and had been married twice before
Just saying, please see reality for what it is and live above these terrible circumstances, that this life here on earth just gives us whether we ask for them or not. Whether we think we are good or not.
For the rain rains on all, and does not decide who has been good enough or not to not rain on
pray you get it Sis, wishing you a wonderful overcoming marriage and for your man as well