Finally have wifi at our workplace, and so, now i can go back to my
other job

Liking posts on CC!!! (and putting some of my own crazy, of course).
It's nearing 5pm here, which i have begun to dread for the past few days because of the Doxycycline i'm taking (makes me feel SO NAUSEOUS

Good thing it's a "once daily" dosage, and only for 2 more days!!!).
I'm lying on our bunkbed here at our base (i'm working as an ambulance doctor now, by the way), with tablet propped on my chest. My team of 3 EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) are watching a Filipino horror flick in the other room (i'm not in there now 'coz i already watched that movie, and i don't find it that scary. I LOVE scary movies, by the way XD). We're all just chilling while waiting for any emergency at our area.
I'm very grateful that the power outage earlier didn't last for more than 2 hours, and that i got to catch on sleep, and that we have no emergency calls so far (i love the challenge of working emergency cases, but i always, ALWAYS pray that we won't have any. Not because i'm lazy, but because seeing terribly sick and injured people - and occasionally, dead and dying people - makes me feel REALLY sad. I still dream of a world that no longer needs doctors). In a few hours, we'll be having dinner here (i work 24-hour shifts. And i LOVE food and the prospect of eating

Dearest Papa GOD is simply AWESOME

i LOVE how HE is teaching me to submit my thoughts to HIM, and bringing me closer to HIM in prayer and reading HIS Word daily.
I hope and pray that everyone else is having a wonderful day, by our LORD's loving grace!!!