Why hello there, and thank you so much for your blessings and prayers
Oy, this distancing during the pandemic, one might think the time would drag with less to do but the opposite is true! I have been off work for nine weeks now and am halfway through my treatments, which are scheduled to end June 2nd... Of course Christian Chat helps keep me occupied and so does Netflix
I recently watched Waco, wow, what a story
Of course I remember hearing about it way back when (early nineties) but I am far more interested in historical phenomena now than I was then, and so have seen a number of docu-series and movies which detail the times of my youth. The six part mini series on Waco was based largely on two books which were written about the siege, one from the standpoint of a resident survivor and the other from the viewpoint of an FBI negotiator.
How have you been?
Hey, sounds like the treatments are going well then, Praise be to Almighty God for that!
I do remember the Waco event, pretty sad story. I pray it is being told truthfully so that people may have an accurate understanding of what actually happened there.
I am doing ok thanks. Still been working, Praise be to God for that. I work helping others, so deemed, and rightfully so, an essential worker. Been and continues to be a Blessing to serve others and help them in there lives.
You were on my heart when I asked you how you were and are doing. When someone or something is placed on my heart, there is always a reason. Very glad to hear that things are still headed in the right direction for your treatments. May God continue to guide those whom are blessed to be part of the Blessing God is giving to you ....which is the same he gives us all, Life.
May ABBA continue to Bless you Deeply and Keep you very close to his heart and Protect you and help you to grow through this and all things.