Okay, first off I want to give you a high five because I think black women are really getting the short end of the racial stick that is the dominant culture of the day. Like us you're getting kicked in the teeth with the strange Hollywood and cultural insistance of a Hitler-esque racial perfection which unlike back in the 1930's now insists that the ultimate is in fact a WHITE woman and an ethnic man of some sort. I guess what confuses me about Christian messages these days is that while its considered important to tell me and my group to not tarnish ourselves by becoming racist, NO ONE wants to stand up against the practises that have become so widespread.
I've been watching campaigns going on for years now to encourage UNDERAGED girls to have sex for multicultural purposes and you would think that any Christian leaders with any intestinal fortitude would stand up and condemn these practises. Instead, silence abounds because these wussies are so afraid fo being called "racists." I think this most pathetic and un-Christian of anything. Further, I notice with all of the talk of "badboys" whether its racial or just each''s own behaviour NO ONE has decided as yet on this thread to give a cautionary speech to all the women asking for such. I don't hear "HEY LADIES,WHATEVER BEHAVIOUR YOU MEAN BY THIS, REMEMBER GOD HAS RULES AGAINST PRE-MARITAL SEX AND FORNICATION. IF YOU'RE TRYING TO BE A GOD FEARING CHRISTIAN PLAN YOUR ACTIONS ACCORDINGLY AND BE VERY CAREFUL OF JUST WHAT EXCITING BAD BOY CHARACTERISTICS YOU'RE ESPOUSING."