I would like to see this thread continue like a 'chain letter' that just goes and goes and goes and keeps going and going and going and going ... LOL. Energizer Bunny started to infiltrate me furry little mind.
Ok , so, this Part 1 thread won't go forever but only through THIS weekend before it has serious competition on MONDAY. THAT is to say that those that dare can explain their nics, completely making people say , 'Wow. ' Or, 'Whoa.' Or, maybe even, 'Oh.'
So, Part Two next WEEK will be a 2nd thread letting EVERYONE say what they mean by their nicknames.
-----Ok, and, this thread can keep on going and going and...

, but I will just do the Part Deux thread, starting next week.
----- Ok, a couple more nic guessing...
lightbliss - Being in the Light is her idea of paradise. It's DC Talk's too.
See_King_Truth -- Toughie. But taking a stab at it..., The Truth is from the King, and, it reminds me of dictionary definition for how one would arrive at that conclusion.