Gonna be a two time rebel and post in here.....you should ask God "what does your woman need from you?"
The Bible says to love her as Christ loves the Church, enough to be willing to die for her. However we are not just called to die but to live for one another.
Godly marriage is joining two lives into one. As we walk side by side, we grow in faith and love for and from God. Displaying to the world how much God loves the church.
So women want a lot of things, but what we need is a man who loves God more than the world, us or himself.
Someone who isn't afraid to be a leader. Someone who is strong enough to listen. Someone who is humble enough to admit when he is wrong. Someone who will get on his knees in prayer for those he loves.
I thank God for placing such a man in my life and hope everyone can be or meet a man who is after God's own heart.
(okay sneaking back out of the singles forum now)