Its amazing to me how we can look at the same verse and draw almost polar opposite meaning from it.
Love is not a business transaction. Its not a check in the box. It is not a thing to fall on a grocery list or to be done out of obligation. It is not calculating, methodical or cold. I don't believe love is a choice as much as it is an involuntary reaction.
You are right, it is not mushy or gushy, it is the truth. It is the strongest force in the Universe. It was love that compelled an almighty God to send His only Son, so that we might live.
Love is not a business transaction. Its not a check in the box. It is not a thing to fall on a grocery list or to be done out of obligation. It is not calculating, methodical or cold. I don't believe love is a choice as much as it is an involuntary reaction.
You are right, it is not mushy or gushy, it is the truth. It is the strongest force in the Universe. It was love that compelled an almighty God to send His only Son, so that we might live.
It’s not some mushy little feeling that makes a parent sit up rocking a sick child all night long, work all the next day, and repeat the process as often as necessary.
It’s not some mushy little feeling that causes an adult child to sleep on the floor beside a dying parent night after night, changing their diapers and seeing to it that they are properly cared for.
And it’s not some mushy little feeling that rips your heart out of your chest as you watch your dying husband tell your son goodnight for the last time.
It’s love.