Kay, count yourself lucky in regards to this. ^^
With humor like, descipled's, genuine, rich, true, humoer, with God in there, too (right, bigD : ) , he is a fun guy and now you knooow who alerted me his eyes were with green too, or, all green, (mine are blue-green, or, green-blue, if I AM in control
) .
AND, uh, yeah, miladies, bigD, he invited me to go to a New Year's Eve party. He said he was going as Chiquita banana, and, so, I , in my greenness, went for redness in being Bob the Tomato. Us, green guys wajt a break from ALWAYS being in green skin, you know
So, yeah, ya got it, miladies, I secretly, well, not so secret anymore, I guess, admire, descipled.
Well, uh, nooone of YOU have ever said anything about yer color eyes when I've said mine , besides vkat's 'see' disclosure a few posts ago, so, what did you expect?
Oh, anyway, just being silly, ya k-now, miladies, just ask vKat, she will speak for me, and, in such a convincing way: It's hard being green.
Chrissy, u've been saying its been tough lately in life, i was just trying to cheer you up.
And, I mentioned a few miladies, but missed several mentionings, like lizzytheone (where be that girl? Mi mexicano madchen
) and kayM is a sweetie gal, like younguns named littlechristianone and starryfields,
, and, SmileOn, another grounded, God, sweet young thang
. I say 'BE MINE' to ALL, miladies, as this great big day aporoaches that really is based on human love and , if participated in, NEEDS to be baked and breaded and soaked and done (well) in God's sweet love. HE is the reason for ALL the seasons, God's ubiquitous, He knows all and is everywhere and created every thing and every season, which, if you read Ecclesiastes, you will know, too, miladies, that we are BORN to live, and, reborn then in His Spirit , by faith, we serve Him, fully, and, know everything, ultimately, in our lives, is meaningless under this sun, and, don't forget moon, and, stars, and, universe. But Him.
He is NOT meaningless, He gave you your heart and all those soupy, loopy, feelings that surface V-Day.
Hmmm, so, let's all give God the glory, let's pop! and click (thought i forgot you, goldfish feeder, did you
) our lives with an excitement that follows Him. The Lord leads us, instictively, listen to His inner touch on your life, as you move, and, when you move, move toward Him.
Happy Valentine's Day , miladies, I hope I don't get in too much trouble on Chrissy's thread because I effectively derailed it. Sorry, if I did, I just blame, bilbo arwen, for this kind of thread 'baggins' and hijackin'
Ahhh, yes, the Lord leads
Sorry, too, if I forgot a mention of one of miladies, like I said, even though I didn't/haven't really said it 'til now, I love you ALL with the love Christ's put in my heart, as you are ALL unique and special and I could spend many sentences on you all , and, it would be all for His glory, my REAL admirer, I trust MY life with Him, and, shouldn't I, (shouldn't we) , afteralll, He holds the keys of not just our destinies, but, also, He, if you are His, are with opportunity to break or steal His heart