But, I do want you to remember something. Every young boy who awkwardly approaches you is just as inexperienced and unsure as you are. Like you, they are experimenting with introductions, associations, and the quite natural social interaction called "flirtation." You both are sailing in waters fairly uncharted, and are bound to run aground now and then.
For many of these guys, all they know, or have ever seen is what is on TV, in the movies, or what some slightly older teen has told them is the way he "operates". And that older friend is usually lying to him in order to impress him.
Unfortunately, you lack the confidence and maturity to do as some of your older sisters here would do, and just calmly inform him that "this is not the way to interact with girls, and I want you to leave me alone until you can come back and introduce yourself like a man, instead of acting like an overly hormone fueled child."
Girls seldom understand the power they possess in a young man's development, even at their own young age. (I'm not saying this supposed "responsibility" is fair... but it is nonetheless, factual.) As you know, I have worked with Sex Offenders for about twice as long as you have been alive. And, frankly, the larger percentage of offenders are no more than young men who have grown up with what we call "Faulty Learning." They formed opinions or perceptions of who and what girls (later, "women") are, and how they fit into the world of dealing with relationships with them.
If your response to a boy's approach is "No", then it is "NO", and that is your right. But I am only asking that when you tell him that, you look at him, knowing (as he should do with you) that he is one of God's creations, and that, perhaps, this moment you two are engaging in is a moment God has orchestrated for you both to experiment with a new kind of communication, to learn from, and to grow. In other words, neither of you should walk away from this thinking either "Idiot!" or "Frigid Ice Queen!" (And, "Yes" I greatly softened both those terms.)
As you grow older, you will encounter both men and women with some very rigid and inflexibly warped views of the opposite gender. Please don't let yourself become one of them... or help create a man with the same messed-up view.
Ok, enough preaching here. I have to get ready to go to church and do some more there.