So a few of my best friends dont believe in God because they just dont. No reason, their brains just want to see more logic and reason for things. You have to admit the concept of God is very outlandish but we all have our reasons. Imagine if someone just didnt have our same reasoning. Can you fault a mentally handicapped person for not understanding math? No, their brain just doesnt work that way. Can you fault me for not being able to paint a picture? No because I dont understand Art. You cant blame a person for not understanding God like others do, its just the way they are. Some of my friends grew up in Christain households and went to church but it just doesnt do anything for them. Just because they dont believe doesnt mean they dont know the lord's word. They arnt being disruptive or evil, they just.. dont believe. They respect me, they donate to charity, they help the needy, they talk with friends about problems and do their darndest to help the people around them. They arnt sick and God loves them just as much as he loves you and me. You are more than welcome to preach to them and that is wonderful that you do. Everyone should spread the word, but all im saying is accept that other people think differently, im not saying give up on them entirely.
No, I don't have to admit this at all.
No Christian should admit to this, because it's factually inaccurate; it's wrong.
I believe it is much more logical and rational to believe God exists.
I believe that science, history, and philosophy all show that theism is much more logical and rational than atheism.
Just because YOU are not aware of the facts and evidence, and YOUR FRIENDS are not aware of the facts and evidence, does not mean there are no facts and evidence. It just means you and your friends haven't studied very much.
(And reading a textbook at school that supports atheism because it was written by atheists.... that doesn't qualify as serious study.)
What about all the people who claim there's no evidence for God?
In rhetoric, the oldest trick in the book is to simply PROCLAIM that your side has won all possible debate, and the other side should just be quiet because they've lost. This is just a trick to get the other side to sit down and be quiet. This is what atheism has done. Rather than actually ENGAGE in debate, they prefer to claim they don't need to debate, because they're just right. That is a circular argument. That is just nonsense.
Some of the most prominent atheists in the world REFUSE to debate the top Christian scholars.
In many atheist circles, they are telling people NOT to debate publicly with Christians... because they usually lose.
You should really give these things some thought.