Thats because God is real and people are afraid of that. Seriously think about it when someone stubs their toe why don't they scream Allah or Budda. In some part of everybody they know God is the on true God
Theres this one girl at Church who were in the same year as me at the same school, she's on facebook and myspace etc. and she won't say that shes a Christian on either of the profiles and she won't ever say anything about Church is her statuses or bulletins. She's kinda emo/scene/punk etc. so either she really has a problem with Church because she constantly moans about Church and the fact she 'hates' going or its the fact she just doesn't want to admit to people that she goes to Church. Me and my sister have talked about it before, not to back stab her or anything we just wonder what each other thinks but we both think she's not a Christian but she'll go to Church when it suits her. I know she goes out clubbing regularly and drinks but its not really that that makes me think like that, i think its her friends that are influencing her