wormwood, it's okay, and thank you.
It's easy to say don't have sex, or use protection, but sometimes it's not possible, as in cases of rape. Rapists don't usually stop and put on a condom first, nor allow their victim to take their pill. Alot of unwanted pregnancies occur with rape, and therein lies the problem. Some women want nothing to do with it because they don't want a daily reminder of their rape, and others feel that it's not the baby's fault and end up keeping it or give it up for adoption. Ultimately it's between God and the woman.
Rape/incest/mother's life account for only a small amount of abortions. 97% of abortion have nothing to do with any of the extreme cases.
So, when abortion-rights advocates bring up the rare cases, I first want to know what percentage of abortions they think are due to the extreme cases. After that, I want to know what they want to do in the 97% of cases that have nothing to do with rape/incest/mother's life.
I also want to know why so many abortion-rights advocates justify abortion-on-demand when 97% of the time the abortion has nothing to do with rape/incest/mother's life.