yer i guess in a sense i am rebellion against why is a simple case of my mother telling me to do the washing and me not wanting to no its more like why would i follow a book that has been edited through out time so its not even the book of god anymore its more like the book of man why would i follow a book that tells me to do evil things and says doing this is wrong when clearly its not and tells you to do things which are morally wrong (have slaves) and there are some many branches of christanity why are there branches for a start if the book was right and clear there would only be one but there isnt which does beg the question why do people bother and that question has only been partly answered so far
on morality of the bible:
Recently i went to a debate between a minister and a professor at my school over "does god exist?" the thing that really got me kicking was the minister said that if it was 100% proven that god did not exist then he would go around raping and murdering people, because there would be no such thing as "good" any more as god defines good. im going out on a limb and saying he was just trying to prove a point that society would have no morality with out following the word of god on that one but still, i find it hard to believe that society would drop its morals like a switch if it was proven god did not exist. perhaps we would live good lives just for the purpose of living good lives, get all you can out of life because once its done its done, which will give life meaning rather than giving life meaning for the purpose of the afterlife.