The Christian life is not a boring, dull life at all but rather growing into an intimate relationship with our loving Father and Creator. It has finally given me something to live for. There is nothing more precious and to be desired than an intimate relationship with our Father. Remember, money can very well be the root of all evil and desiring wealth can cause us to stumble as it fills our minds with a focus on earthly treasures and worldly possessions as well as pride and greed as opposed to storing up heavenly treasures and finding peace, joy, comfort, and contentedness in the things that we have. Don't give up!! Keep seeking Jesus, and He can change your heart and give you the desire to seek Him instead of just wealth.
Things in this life are temporary. Store up treasures in Heaven. I'm not saying it is God's will for you to be poor and struggling, because it says in the Bible that The Lord is a Father who delights in giving good things to His children. Money isn't everything, and the pursuit of wealth can make us struggle. Godliness with contentment, however, is great gain- for you and your soul
Money doesn't satisy, it is a beast that craves more and more. Jesus settles us and gives us rest and joy with what we have. Nothing compares to the wealth of joy and satisfaction that Jesus brings, things the world and its lusts do not ever bring.
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