THere should be NO confusion here, especially for a CHRISTIAN. YOU are in GOD's army, at war with satan and his hordes of demons, just in case you did not know. The big bomb went off when SIN exploded into this peaceful beautiful world in the Garden of Eden (Innagoddadavida). Now..during your lifetime, if you are called or volunteer to serve in our nation's army, you are also at warfare to protect not only YOUR life, but the lives of all who call ourselves Americans. What an honor! THE BIBLE is filled with episodes of GOD commanding HIS own to overcome their enemies. Your personal freedom and the rest of us American's freedoms always come with a price tag. So does our salvation..GOD gave us His Son who fought for us, resulting in HIS own bloody death...and you know the rest of the story. WAR on earth is it on the streets..or overseas, releaving the world of those who care less to have GOD on their side, who hate Americans. A time for war, a time for peace...we can't escape it might as well be for GOD and glory and America.