As a Christian, I can tell you that I still sin sometimes. Does that mean I'm not truly saved? NOPE.
It just means that I'm a mortal Christian who still slips up every now and then.. And if Christians don't sin then why is there a plethora of porn, adultery, masturbation, divorce, etc threads in the Family forum? Is it because they aren't actually saved after all? Sorry, Jim, you and I will have to agree to disagree on this.
God knows we still screw up, that's why He gave us repentance.
I guess I wasn't very clear on the flip side of what I said, and as far as what you're saying about sinless perfection, I agree. I do not in ANY way think that I do not still sin, so I agree with you on that to be clear. My only point was that it is possible to tell if someone is not truly saved in some cases, but I understand it's not a black and white issue either, nor am I trying to make it that, but this notion that we as Christians cannot under any circumstance tell if His Spirit is in someone we know, I think is false. On the other hand I'm not saying we as Christians don't still struggle with sin, I know I do every day, but that's the thing there is a struggle and I am not struggling with the same things I was before I was saved. I was made new and now the sins I struggle with I would have laughed at myself about before salvation.
We could discuss this all day and never even scratch the surface, but I agree with your point's about still sinning (a different league of battling over sin than the carnal mind), just not that we can NEVER make an informed assumption on ones salvation by looking at their overall actions over time. I am not at all saying anyone of us human beings are sinless or that we should go around looking to question others salvation, but when saved God indwells us and gives us the ability to battle that sin and draw closer to how He created us to be. A simple layout of my understanding.
Not saved= sinning and justifying it no matter what.
Saved= turning from sin, being more aware of and actually hating sin instead of loving it, and a lifelong process of seeking to draw closer to Him which has to result in sinning less and less.
This is a result of salvation in my experience, and I would rather hurt a feeling speaking truth, than help along a false sense of security in the name of feelings.
That’s just me though, and all that aside I still love your input and hope you have a great day and weekend.