Interesting. I'm sort of on the same page as Ritter in that I feel that its slightly unnecessary for you to make a thread about "you" personally coming out to this website or the general public. Unless there really was a need for it, like if people have been harassing you or just being distasteful towards you in general on this webpage? I'm guessing that's not the case tho (but I've only been a member for a day lol). Not to make a big deal about you making this a thread topic, I just wouldn't have chosen to go about it that way. I don't think you should even worry about being banned because we are all given the option of choosing "Christian" "Unsure" or "Not Christian" as our 'spiritual status'. If only christians were allowed, then I think you would have a problem. I'm an atheist as well, but (like you) I don't troll on christian websites for laughs. I'm actually a fan of Jesus as I am of Ghandi, Martin L. King Jr., Emily Dickinson and Chuck Norris, so I signed up for this out of curiosity and a willingness to participate in discussion w/o being disrespectful. I've always been big on immersing myself with people who have opposing viewpoints than my own because it gives me a reason to strengthen my views or change my views. Personally, my mom is devoutly religious and we both talk about our differing views all the time but in a very civil way and we even enjoy talking about really controversial topics.
Bah! I'm rambling... anyways, I don't think you'll be banned as long as you're polite and are here for civil discussion and meeting some people w/ different views.