@ Batya
Your message has two sides to it, sincerity and a bit inconsideration. But I do respect your testimony and how you have learned a great deal from the disconcerting accident, your mistakes and God's awesomeness. I will surely take a lot of positives when trying to minimise having any regrets as a Christian.
But I'm astounded by the ignorance you exuded in lightening other people's burdens relative to the one you once carried. Don't get me wrong the accident you encountered is something I'm not taking any lightly and I'm very grateful to God for his miracle in your life but that should not make us sidetrack our brothers and sisters in Christ. I believe that to scold someone you need understand their situation and also their upbringing. What usually breaks a men is rarely the physical wounds but the emotional scars. That is why this world is infested with murderers, rapists, thieves, to mention but a few.
I think that I'm still a toddler in Christ but have a passion for seeing all souls getting saved. and Christian truly loving one another. If we, in Christ, are creating an intimidating atmosphere in the spiritual world are we not falling into the devil's trap. Would you be happy to find that your message made a new soul backslide. Again just to reiterate myself I'm not castigating your message but I think that the tone of it was high pitched. Is it not nice to see that Christians want to overcame their obstacles in consecrating themselves fully in Christ.
As the heavens are above the earth so are God's thoughts. Rather than lambasting other people's prayers why don't you encourage them on what you consider as effective prayer with Jesus Christ's affection. I'm always taken aback by the path Jesus laid for us when he was on earth. When someone was ill,sick troubled or whatever he never mentioned anything about cause and effect as he new that the devil was wreaking havoc in people's lives and confusing them. He was always always gentle and tender. Is the gospel nowadays different from Jesus time on earth. Definitely not. There is only one truth and God speaks to us in different ways, so How can we be the judge of other people's prayers. That is who are we to judge and berate souls with a high affinity for God. That is why I'm mystified at how you conducted your survey. We can never know what is in the heart of a person save for oneself and God. "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of my heavenly Father". This is a reminder of the deeper mysteries in God's kingdom.
"Repentance and faith are to be measured by justice, mercy and love".
I'm not trying to vilify you but I think that we have to guard against losing sight of others and expecting our standards to be met by everyone. For the tongue of a child of God is very powerful. New born babies need to crawl before they walk.
I'm very concerned by the fact that the tendency nowadays is to be inconsiderate of the young ones in Christ.
I for one believe that the house of God should be one full of love(unconditional), devoid of pretence and always open to new souls. Not only stopping at bringing new souls to Christ but helping them feel welcomed and part of the family otherwise the devil lurking in the shadows will scoop them away.Jesus worked tirelessly to bring souls into salvation we shouldn't be content only with our own standing with the awesome God but should be deeply worried at the number of people getting lost each day or sinking deeper into darkness. The disciples were always affectionate in their preachings, I wish that we not deviate from that.
Remember "Do not judge, and you will not be judged". This message always keeps me in check. I hope I did not get carried away.
All I said is with love and you can correct me where I misconstrued your intentions Betty.
Love you Sister.
Your message has two sides to it, sincerity and a bit inconsideration. But I do respect your testimony and how you have learned a great deal from the disconcerting accident, your mistakes and God's awesomeness. I will surely take a lot of positives when trying to minimise having any regrets as a Christian.
But I'm astounded by the ignorance you exuded in lightening other people's burdens relative to the one you once carried. Don't get me wrong the accident you encountered is something I'm not taking any lightly and I'm very grateful to God for his miracle in your life but that should not make us sidetrack our brothers and sisters in Christ. I believe that to scold someone you need understand their situation and also their upbringing. What usually breaks a men is rarely the physical wounds but the emotional scars. That is why this world is infested with murderers, rapists, thieves, to mention but a few.
I think that I'm still a toddler in Christ but have a passion for seeing all souls getting saved. and Christian truly loving one another. If we, in Christ, are creating an intimidating atmosphere in the spiritual world are we not falling into the devil's trap. Would you be happy to find that your message made a new soul backslide. Again just to reiterate myself I'm not castigating your message but I think that the tone of it was high pitched. Is it not nice to see that Christians want to overcame their obstacles in consecrating themselves fully in Christ.
As the heavens are above the earth so are God's thoughts. Rather than lambasting other people's prayers why don't you encourage them on what you consider as effective prayer with Jesus Christ's affection. I'm always taken aback by the path Jesus laid for us when he was on earth. When someone was ill,sick troubled or whatever he never mentioned anything about cause and effect as he new that the devil was wreaking havoc in people's lives and confusing them. He was always always gentle and tender. Is the gospel nowadays different from Jesus time on earth. Definitely not. There is only one truth and God speaks to us in different ways, so How can we be the judge of other people's prayers. That is who are we to judge and berate souls with a high affinity for God. That is why I'm mystified at how you conducted your survey. We can never know what is in the heart of a person save for oneself and God. "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of my heavenly Father". This is a reminder of the deeper mysteries in God's kingdom.
"Repentance and faith are to be measured by justice, mercy and love".
I'm not trying to vilify you but I think that we have to guard against losing sight of others and expecting our standards to be met by everyone. For the tongue of a child of God is very powerful. New born babies need to crawl before they walk.
I'm very concerned by the fact that the tendency nowadays is to be inconsiderate of the young ones in Christ.
I for one believe that the house of God should be one full of love(unconditional), devoid of pretence and always open to new souls. Not only stopping at bringing new souls to Christ but helping them feel welcomed and part of the family otherwise the devil lurking in the shadows will scoop them away.Jesus worked tirelessly to bring souls into salvation we shouldn't be content only with our own standing with the awesome God but should be deeply worried at the number of people getting lost each day or sinking deeper into darkness. The disciples were always affectionate in their preachings, I wish that we not deviate from that.
Remember "Do not judge, and you will not be judged". This message always keeps me in check. I hope I did not get carried away.
All I said is with love and you can correct me where I misconstrued your intentions Betty.
Love you Sister.