I have to say I feel suicide is murder, but I don't feel right saying that it will straight away condemn you to hell. I mean, Christ died for all sins of all who believe, but still, NEVER should you take your own life out of depression, hatred, hopelessness, etc, just as Paul says, we cannot just should not keep on sinning once we are free. We need to serve God, not ourselves. So, all I know is God knows, and He can't use you here anymore if you die... You might be an inspiration and light for many some day. The thing is, one shouldn't ever commit suicide, no matter how hopeless life might seem, but as for condemnation, only God can be sure. Never attempt it. Think of God who loves you and wants you to live, that's why He sent Christ after all, and focus on God and serve God instead. God bless! John 3:16, Romans 6