Thanks for all the advice and support! It makes me feel more empowered that there are people praying for me

@Alauren the food journal sounds like a good idea, although last time i was writing down the food i ate was cause i was counting calories :/
@shrimp dont feel bad! Everyone i know does the same exact thing lol if you focus more on fruits and veggies it helps a lot! And you may be always hungry due to a certain vitamin deficiency
@ji honestly i feel like if i fasted, it would quickly become a thing of control, like another weight loss thing
@jogoldie thanks! I think ill do that, just go for a walk or something, and reading the word would distract me
@man22christ i was thinking about that, and i did tell one of my friends that i had struggled with it before but i didnt tell her that i still was, its just so embarressing!