Going to try to put them in order and some were dreams that may also affect the waking state I was in.
One I had a dream where I was taking a train to some place (old fashion type of train I guess one can call it), I didn't really know where I was going. I knew someone was with me because they had a voice exactly like my mother's (she's still alive) and by the time the train stopped they told me to hurry off of it. I only saw probably a small glance of who was with me and it was a bit of a short figure but had a glow to them. I come off and we were at this hill right where the train tracks were and I look out and see lots of trees, really green grass, the sky was blue and had some clouds hovering by and at the length of the hill it's almost like it would've been reachable. There was a circular patch of open grass among the trees and I was looking down at it thinking about the whole scene being just "perfect" and some place that I really would want to stay at. Then I hear a voice hovering over saying "What ever you find great on earth, heaven is much better." It started to fade and I woke up with a feeling coming over and wanting to go back to where I was.
One I think over a year or so later I had that was a bit vivid as well where it took place at night and I was in my living room. At the time I think that was when my parent's bedroom was not too far and they said goodnight to me and I just stayed on the couch. Not long after I see someone appearing in front of me that looked like me but it had a darker tone to them (best to describe that they just looked dark as a whole figure). They look at me and a voice says something about them going to be in my actual being that was on the couch and they walked over and sort of went right through me at my back and I can feel the sensation as they were doing so and woke up, and I felt as while I was going in the waking state the same sensation. But I was actually in my room asleep, not my living room. Recently I kept thinking about that and wonder if it was something beyond meaning or it could be just part of the sleeping stages or what...
I also while going into my waking state would look straight up at the ceiling and see a dark shape above as someone else's post I seen said it happened to them. This happened to me about two or three times. I would have no control as much as I wanted to move while being scared experiencing it and stay in the position I was in seeing the dark shape/figure.
I had other paranormal things going on during the years but there would be much more to list and explain than what's being said here. I always heard that the white ghosts/spirits mean that they're good while the black means they're bad, but I don't know how true that really is.