I pray and hope you'll find the truth. I have had this experience when nothing seemed to go right with me. Asking God why is this happening to me? why am I unlucky? why am I cursed? But when I prayed all the sins I have done in my past came into my remembrance, then I felt guilty but the truth set me free it made me realize why my life is going wrong! You will reap what you sow! So remember that it is our fault that bad comes to us by sin we invite wrong to happen. But Jesus can save us ALL from it if we will repent! Just ask for forgiveness don't have a prideful heart, having pride will block you from your blessings and Jesus voice will not be heard.. Please ask for repentance you will find ALL the answers you will need to find your way back to Jesus, also by reading his word (which I need to start doing myself) Jesus loves you, remember that. God has a reason for everything, we should not question his way, because he does everything in his time.