gay people decide to sleep with people tho (same for straight people) but here is an earlier forum I posted.
After coming out of homosexuality, I realized my biggest, and main struggle, was other Christians. It is very hard to go into a religion, that you felt so bashed by. One of the main things that always made me detest Christianity and God was when I would hear other CHRISTIANS say “Dude, your a faggot!” “Ewww, your gay?” GREAT REFLECTION OF GOD? NO! I am not here to judge, I am just trying to make a point. I think most Christian’s act this way because they have not taken the time to understand homosexuality to it’s fullest. They say “your not born that way” and this confuses a lot of homosexuals, because a lot of them HAVE had homosexual temptations since they were younger. The thing to understand, as a Christian, is we we are all born into sin… so in a way, yes you are born gay (as far as your mind goes), but doesn’t the bible say we need to be born again? If your born again, the old is gone, and you have became a new creation! And also, it is also a theory that there might be chemicals in your brain, that make you gay… well since only 6% of the worlds population is gay (yes they re-did the statistics) maybe it is a illness, and we as Christians should stop putting God in a box, if he can heal cancer, let him heal this too! Disease? Possibly. In a spiritual sense though, yes, all sin is a disease.
Now I am talking directly to homosexuals: Understand homosexuality! HOMOSEXUALITY is a choice, as far as your actions, you CHOOSE your actions. The feelings, you may have been born with, but we all choose to act on our temptations. Wouldn’t it be so much better to live a celibate life and live forever in love with the creator of the universe? I believe so. I also have recently read a passage that spoke to me, and God has given me this word.. now understand, aids is not God’s curse, bad stuff happens because of curse of sin, all b/c of Adam and Eve.. but here is the verse:
In the same way, the men turned away from their natural love for women. They burned with sexual longing for each other. Men did shameful things with other men. They suffered in their bodies for all the twisted things they did. -Romans 1:27
Notice the last sentence, “They suffered IN THEIR BODIES for all the twisted things they did.” (This chapter also talks about ALL sexual perversion, so straight people, this is for you too.”) Different translations say “they received punishments in their bodies” etc, etc. Is it possible this verse is referring to aids and other STD’s, or even unwanted pregnancies? IDK, this is just something God has been laying on my heart, and I believe a lot of people over look this verse a bit.