Masturbation is a stronghold, it is hard to get rid of, don't you feel guilty when you do it...empty? It causes more sexual urges to appear. I've been through, and only through God was I able to overcome because it is strong. IT causes urges that eventually get stronger. It only left me guilty, disgusted, and far away form God? Does masturbation serve God in anyway or did that serve you...your flesh. Sex, in marriage, is as God created and therefore,in marriage, pleasing to God.
Now, If you want to stop, it is a very difficult process let me tell you however with God all is possible. I would suggest Repenting, and asking God to give you self-control over your flesh and desires, also read your word and pray. The closer you get to God, the less you your flesh will control you. I would also keep away from what triggers your sexual desires. May God be with you!