Listen, this is 100% not true. Whatever the Bible says happened, actually happened. There is no questioning the word of God. The Bible speaks of the end times, and there will be many great deceivers who will come and tell you one thing or another. You can not be fooled or tricked by this. We have to believe that what our Bible says is true. We stand on faith alone, not the "facts" that man is trying to prove. There is a simple way to explain this. How many times has man let you down? Too many to count.
Now, how many times has God let you down? Never.
Who would you rather listen to? Man, which is flawed in thinking, sinful and foolish for thinking he is wise, or the one and only God, who, not only never fails us, and loves us unconditionally, but sent his one and only son to die for us? We didn't deserve it, we're covered and sin and the terrible part is, we keep doing it!
Now, back to the point. Believe in the one who has never failed you, forsaken you, or let you down. Believe his word and what it says.
DO NOT believe man, who lies to you, leaves you alone, and whose love is very limited and minute compared to Gods love.
Any person with common sense would know.
"Do I want to believe the word of someone that is flawed and unreliable, or do I want to believe the word of someone who is strong and unmovable, and everlasting?"
Come on! There should be no contest here! Do not be fooled by what you see, even if it seems like there is no way to disprove it. It's only the Devil trying to sway your opinion. God will never lie to you, and why would he lie about what happened to Jesus? Oh, this kind of stuff burns me up. Stay strong fellow Christians, the world is corrupt, and getting better at it every day. The only way to fight against this world is to stay in your word, pray to God, and try to do his will every day.