The use of porn has indeed become a "normal" thing in our don't need to look far to see how normalized it is in how people talk in the media about it, make casual jokes about it as its assumed that "everyone does it" anyways. I even was appalled when i saw a FB meme 'here's a true alpha male' - i have never seen sex so cheapened in this manner. All that being said, even many Christians have come to rationalize it as "no big deal" at least, in private. But it makes me wonder how strong their faith really is. I mean, if Jesus was standing right there in front of you while you are using, could you really go through with it? Probably not. But many seem to turn off the "God is watching me" switch and give in to their desires completely. I'm not sure how Christian men (sometimes women) do this, but they turn off this switch in their heads whether the sin is planned or not. Like when you let your thoughts go way too far after seeing a young hot woman or...alternately choosing to take those thoughts captive. The choice is really up to you. Unfortunately, most just turn off their special switch in their heads at the time and decide they'll ask for forgiveness later.
A bit of good news is that there is hope if you completely surrender to Christ with every fiber of your being...including every thought, but i agree with a previous post that the road isn't easy and satan will definitely not make it easy when you resist from here on out. Also, there is a church that focuses on helping redeem people from addiction and former porn stars as well. I think it's called it's called XXX Church or something. Hope that helps the ones still struggling!