for those who can't stop going back to porn...
try this exercise...
look at a wall...
pray to jesus, that he may be with you and protect you from lust and other sins.
now look at the wall,
but instead place your focus on god as you feel him within,
rather than focusing on the wall. but, keep your eyes open!
even though your eyes are pointed at the wall,
you're actually "looking within".
if you do this exercise, your focus will be on the holy spirit as you feel him within,
and it will not be on lustful thoughts. therefor, you will be free off lust.
and below, a rather controversial exercise
next time you sit in front of a computer and you know you're going to watch porn.
do the same exercise as you did with the wall.
and when you play the porn on your pc, instead of watchin the porn,
place the focus on god as you feel god within, and pray that you may remain free from lust;
if you succeed, you will be able to have porn playing in front of you,
but not actually looking at it.
even though your eyes are pointed at the porn,
if your focus is actually on god... which is throughout the whole body and around,
you will not see the porn but actually be enjoying the company of god instead.
that is how you can remain free of lust and free from the impulse to watch porn...
maybe it won't work for you, but it works for me.
i know from experience that if i let my eyes fall on a women that is desireable, that i automatically lust for her.
with porn, it's the same.
if you let your thoughts fall on porn, you will lust for it. and when you actually play porn on your pc and look at it,
you will lust to masturbate on it. that's typical human nature.
You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. - Jesus
If you do this: then there will be no place left in your heart, soul and mind.... to give to lust.
It is fully focused on god. As it should be.
Good luck