To put it simply, ugly exists because of sin. After man became a fallen creature, man became a dead creature. The "genetic" wiring to seek the most attractive mate is a survival instinct. If someone had less physical flaws, then they were more than likely healthy and likely to produce healthy offspring. Would there be a need to constantly provide offspring to ensure the survival of man and pass on genetic information if we did not die? I'd like to think not. Because of our sin, there are diseases that make someone "unpleasant" to look at, physical deformity and such. As for someone being born less physically attractive than others, yes there's that perspective of worldly beauty that not everyone agrees on. Mostly a mix of the need for a genetically healthy mate and cultural standards. Aside from that, we also seek beauty as a part of a deeper longing for the beauty of God. As for your question about us being beautiful in heaven, I have this to say. As believers, we compose a larger body that makes up the Bride of Christ. The time will come when we will all come together as the beautiful bride that God will adoringly embrace. We will be so enamored by the beautiful, glorious, holy, sovereign, perfect God that we won't be looking at each other anyway, and will have eyes only for our Almighty Creator. That's my two cents. My ugly, scarred, flawed two cents.