no actually I think it was your speech that got that done if your post here is any indication. quite uncivil actually
you need to get in touch with a mod to discuss your options.
now David why would you x a post not even directed your way?
seems you are getting a bit...shall we say perturbed? you know, there are a number of people like you in the forums who simply cannot stand anyone to counter or disagree with what another persons says
people who do get the covid shot are not sinning...unlike what you say in another thread. thankfully, we can all rest assured that you are judged by the Great Judge, in the same manner as the rest of us. And, God being God, would never ever place you in any sort of oversight with that short sighted aggressive approach you seem to take
I am totally against the jab myself, but that should in no way create hatred for others. if anything, perhaps praying for mercy in this untenable situation would be more appropriate
and as a matter of fact, that poster was most likely a victim of his own speech, but he can approach a mod for more info
you do not have any sway in the matter so x away if it gets your juices going