Brainwashing, whether perceived for good or bad, falls under the prrotected free speech category. Sometimes this is a win and sometimes it's a loss.
There is no neat and easy way to prevent the moral, ethical, and intellectual decay of today's youth without stifling free speech. Oh wait, they already do that, but it's the good guys who are being sidelined; the inmates run the prison now.
The war is on for the hearts and minds of American people. You can do you part by homeschooling your children, spreading the gospel, and preventing the spread of corruption by always doing your part to do the right things even if you are standing alone. Actually, you will often be a lone voice of reason.
There is no neat and easy way to prevent the moral, ethical, and intellectual decay of today's youth without stifling free speech. Oh wait, they already do that, but it's the good guys who are being sidelined; the inmates run the prison now.
The war is on for the hearts and minds of American people. You can do you part by homeschooling your children, spreading the gospel, and preventing the spread of corruption by always doing your part to do the right things even if you are standing alone. Actually, you will often be a lone voice of reason.
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